Available Model Portfolios

We offer a selection of 24 model portfolios comprised of either ETFs or individual stocks that encompass a range of investment objectives as well as a range of risk profiles. By utilizing the model portfolios we are able to provide you the exact same time and price execution of trades as other clients within the same model.

These models allow our professional advisors to construct a unique portfolio curtailed to each clients’ investment profile. Although not all model portfolios are shown, below you will find our most popular strategies.

Core ETF Models

Model 0 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Model 0 is comprised of ETFs with an equity target of 0% Model 1 is comprised of non-trade-fee ETFs with an equity target of 20% Model 2 is comprised of ETFs with an equity target of 30% Model 3 is comprised of non-trade-fee ETFs with an equity target of 40% Model 4 is comprised of ETFs with an equity target of 50%
Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9
Model 5 is comprised of non-trade-fee ETFs with an equity target of 60% Model 6 is comprised of ETFs with an equity target of 70% Model 7 is comprised of non-trade-fee ETFs with an equity target of 80% Model 8 is comprised of ETFs with an equity target of 90% Model 9 is comprised of non-trade-fee ETFs with an equity target of 100%

Stock Models

Model 8d Model 6di Model 8es
Dividend Growth High Current Dividend Yield Essential Services
A stock must: (1) be a member of the S&P Composite 1500 (2) Have increased dividends every year for at least 20 consecutive years (3) Meet minimum float-adjusted market capitalization and liquidity requirements A stock must satisfy the following criteria: (1) be a member of the S&P 500 and (2) must be actively traded. 50 stocks are selected from the 75 selected highest yielding stocks based on the lowest realized volatility. A stock must be high-yielding, qualified dividend-paying, and from U.S.-based securities screened for companies with superior quality and financial health. All companies in the S&P 500 index that are classified as Utilities and Telecommunications. Companies such as water, gas and electric utilities, telecommunications, television and energy providers.
Model 10 Model 12
Growth Aggressive Growth
Companies should be among the largest and more stable companies in the S&P 500 and must have listed options. Sector balance is considered in the selection of stocks. A stock must be one of the largest non-financial companies listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market, based on market capitalization.

Volatility Targeting Models (VT)

The three volatility targeting models we offer (3VT, 6VT, 10VT) provide clients with multiple solutions to add a dynamic allocation to their portfolio. The models target a set annual standard deviation of returns through a dynamic exposure to an S&P 500 large cap index ETF. The models rebalance monthly and therefore generate trades on a monthly basis.

Below is a table that shows the backtest results of each model compared to the S&P 500 Index.

Volatility Targeting Models

Results of Backtest 2003 – 2019 3VT 6VT 10VT S&P 500 Index
Target Volatility 3% 6% 10%
Backtest Volatility 3.5% 7% 10.5% 18.%
Maximum Drawdown -5.2% -10.5% -21.6% -55.2%
Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 4.4% 6.8% 95% 100%
Backtest Volatility vs. S&P500 Index 19% 38% 58% 100%
Risk Adjusted Return (Higher is Better) 126% 97% 84% 51%
Average Allocation to S&P 500 index ETF 27% 52% 76% 100%

Cutting Edge Innovation

Volatility Targeting Strategy has long been offered by advanced hedge funds and large institutions. The team at Jackson Wealth Management takes great pride in offering this strategy to all of our clients.

Learn More about VT Models and View Disclousures

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